Monday 11 June 2012

Lets Backtrack

Okay so yesterday was Sunday and in the Caribbean its sort of a big deal when it comes to food. We may eat crap all week but oh yes on Sunday we feast. So this Sunday I decided to do something a bit unconventional , so here it goes :

Dinner Menu

Crack Conch
Conch Fritters
Broiled Ribs
Peas and Rice
Cole Slaw
Homemade Ice cream!!!!!! 

I know sounds like a recipe for a heart attack but it was good yumzzz lol...i'll post pics later

On other note this weekend was pretty big for me, I finally opened up about a secret I've been holding ( for what seems like forever) and got some insight on it. Realized I truly need to prioritize and by that I mean put myself first. If not this blog and all the ambition bottled up inside of me is in vain...